Application 1299

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I have built several things, like a puzzle map on another server. I also made a nice looking store/house. One more thing I did was make a small statue and do pixel art of various things in Minecraft. I still believe I have many more things to learn about Minecraft design, and I feel this server can teach me these things.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I made a gambling machine with dispensers, a clock, a button that pushes a block out to continue a signal, and an on/off lever. I've improved my design several times, adding and removing several things. I also made a few puzzles that involve lots of redstone. I also started working on a block detector that a) runs a signal through the block, and b) tosses an item down to see if it goes through the block.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I have read and understand the rules, and I fully accept all the consequences of my actions, good or bad. And no matter what, I will never break the rules. I believe that if I break rules it makes people think I am not a trustworthy and honest person, which I believe I am.
Application status: 