Application 1315

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I have built numerous houses in minecraft based off of real life schematics that turned out with a high degree of detail and intricacy. I have also built cities with a few of my friends spanning quite large sizes. Judging from what I have been able to view on the server thus far I believe that the server has many new skills that it can teach me about design in minecraft and I believe I will be able to offer some of my ideas, concepts, and abilities that could be very easily used on the server.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Previously I have built many calculators in minecraft including: 4 bit adding calculator, 8 bit adding calculator, 32 bit adding and subtracting calculator. All of my designs incorporate basic transformations of data from decimal to binary and vice versa. Each also included a simple GPU that was used to drive two seven segment displays. I hope that my knowledge of redstone can be used to help others who wish to learn and that my I can learn more from the wonderful community on the server. I have also run a few videos about some more basic concepts and am running a series about how to make your own adding calculator.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I have read and agree with all of the listed rules, any dispute with the rules in my eyes is extremely bad and I promise to abide by all of them.
Application status: 



By tackyzach52