Application 1318

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I've made many creations, although I enjoy building redstone slightly more. I have made skyscrapers, towns, and pixel arts of skins and blocks (Yes, I mean as in a detailed pixel art of a stone or dirt block). And obviously, Nyan Cats!
Past Redstone Experience: 
My favorite creation was my lottery machine, above all things. When you push a button, three wheels spin with diamond, gold, and coal ore blocks (pistons). Then, three mob spawners above the wheels spawn pigs, followed by a piston pushing a pig out into one of three glass chutes, each containing 4 pressure plates at the bottom. One is connected to wire, the other 3 are not. When the pig walks onto the "Right plate," the spinning stops. If the diamond or gold blocks line up, a dispenser will throw out diamonds or gold, depending on what you hit.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Yes, and I hope that everybody else did too! :P
Application status: 