Application 1376

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I have searched for a long time to find a pure Redstone Server, where people know what they are doing and understand words like "ALU" or "RS NOR-Latch". The first structures i saw on the server were incredible. On first sight exactly that, i was searching for. Now i am here to learn from (or maybe to "teach") other redstone pros.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Here's a link to my youtube-channel where i filmed and described some of my projects. Things i built: Combination Locks, 16 Bit-RAM, ROM, Piston Tapes, Compact Wiring, Logical Gates, Extended Logical Gates, Logic Unit, Pulsers, Clocks, Piston-Gates, Automated Farms, Chain Reactions, Minecart Selection, Displays, Music
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
As i said as i entered your Server: I feel like i'm in heaven. nothing else to say ;-)
Application status: 