Application 1435

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
SInce my server was closed I started to play singleplayer, and also on a server with my friends with private mods (wich i coded). But after a while i missed the server and I decided to look for another 1. I liked redstone so I searched for "MineCraft Redstone server" I found a few ones but this 1 looked like the best. I wanna join because I like to invent, build, chat, and then build more ;) I hope you will accept me because I think this server looks like something for me.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have invented a minecraft random generator wich I think many people use. I have also made a lottery with 5 slots and a 64-bit memory. I can create different logic gates and I have Knowledge on logics using redstone. I have also made a superfast redstone clock using just 2 redstone, 1 redstone torch, 1 stickypiston, 1 random block and 1 redstone repeater. I have some videos here:
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I have mentioned A LOT of information in the other parts.
Application status: 


goodby39's picture


By goodby39