Application 1441

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I'd really just like to experiment and get help with some redstone projects. The server seems friendly enough. I would probably have more fun on this server than anywhere else.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have relaly just been kind of on and off in small projects. I'd start one project, and get bored and start a new one. I know a bunch of different gates, techniques, and such but I don't have many 'new' ideas for projects.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Application status: 
Not approved


I guess the best thing I have dones is one of the most compat hidden doors I've seen. It fits in a really tight space, and is virtually unseen from the outside. add a redstone torch on an un-marked block and it opens away into the mountain, house, wall, w/e. 'I don't always work with redstone, but when I do, I make sure its not spam.'

By joe9243