Application 1451

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Well I love to build with redstone, my mind is awesomely creative ;) and I want to play with my friend SporreKing.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have built a TQT, as I prefer to call it (I think it was the "TNT Quantum Trombone), a hugely made tnt cannon which is made of a bunch of redstone repeaters, obsidian (tnt proof), and it fires only four rounds atm, though it powers the rounds more than a usual tnt cannon. I have built a bunch of piston doors, many sizes, a lot of piston pixel screens, also many sizes, and a custom map (not done yet) which consists of a lot of redstone and it is truly a mind-boggling map. All of that have I built plus an insanely amount of other meaningless contraptions that are ever so easy to understand.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Well I guess you can read the above ;D
Application status: 