Application 1468

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I really like redstone, and I want to improve my building techniques. I'm joining to this server because I hope in a good community that can help me with my projects, and because I think this would be a good chance to talk with someone else about redstone. (all my friends seems to hate redstone D: ) I hope to improve my english too ^^'
Past Redstone Experience: 
I started using redstone when powered rails were added ( I think it was beta 1.5 ) and I made a really big rail station with rails all around my world. You could choose destination and there was a feature to manage multiple minecarts. When pistons were added I made some elevators and 7-segments displays. I have a lot of experience with cannons, because I played a lot in faction servers. Now I'm dedicating to logical circuits. My goal is to build a computer with display, cpu, ram, and some inputs.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
If I'll be accepted I hope I can be a useful element of the community.
Application status: 