Application 1709

Poli58548's picture
In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Because I love redstone! I'v always wanted to be a part of a redstone community and since there are so few of them It have been hard. I like teaching and learning things about redstone. I also now some things that could be good to learn ;).
Past Redstone Experience: 
Hmm, I think my best one is the one where I made a fully functional Robot. It shot on you with tnt. It was shooting every 10th second. That was kind of funny. You had to shoot his eyes to beat him. I accidently deleted save :/
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Ehmm, not really, but maybe that I love redstone? :P I'v already said Hey to one of your admins and this is probably gonna be fun!
Application status: 