Application 215

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Music and Baseball are my favourite things to do/talk about. I'm always interesting talking about the last Red's game or Suicide Silences new album :D Halo's pretty awesome too :)
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I can send you schematics for pretty much all my work, if want to see 'em. xHaVK is also my Steam ID, feel free to add me. Here's my YouTube, I don't have much on it at the moment, but I just built a new computer which can run Fraps, so expect more MineCraft video's :D *Question* How many active member's do you usually have on?
Application status: 


Also I enjoy a bit of SC2 :D Just that in there :)

By xHaVK
stym's picture

The number of people greatly depends on time of day and day of week, but I would say 4-10 people usually.

By stym

Great :D Just kinda wanted to know how active ya'll are. Since my Application was approved, does that mean I'm WhiteListed?

By xHaVK
stym's picture


By stym