Square Rooter and other assorted items

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
uberbroodling: Regular
Creation location: 
419 21 -197
Machine Features: 

basically everything in this section of the regular area was built by me from the ground up. Blackbelt did some demonstration w/ bottom output ROM in the SE corner.

Square Rooter - (central westish side of the square plot) 8 bit input, 4 bit output + 5 bit remainder displayed at the control panel.

Multi-function ALU (northeast corner)- capable of OR/NOR, AND/NAND, XOR/XNOR, ADD, SUB, Return A/Return B, Increment A/Increment B

From north to south on the east end of the plot after the ALU..:

Basic 7 segment decoder

BUD RAM (with some modifications made by blackbelt to increase efficiency)

Switch programmable, 4 tick ROM (8 signal output, each side tileable)

How To Use: 

square root extractor uses conditional subtraction to find the nearest whole square which will fit within the input value and also outputs the remainder. utilizes a generic adder to perform since it was easier to work with / debug.

ALU utilizes a 2 wide adder tiled 4 times. basic logic functions and add/sub use !a, !b, OR, Cin, Cflood in standard combinations to generate. Return A/B uses a 'force' function to force all A or B inputs to logic 1, and !a to force them to logic 0. thereby allowing the other input to pass through the ALU. Increment A/B forces a/b input to logic 1 and inverts, but then also adds Cin to increment. I've currently got 2 versions of this in the area, and I'm working to add features to it.

7 segment decoder uses a stacked decoder that's just a bit cleaner than my previous attempts at it. current decoder Handles inputs from 0-9 but is expandable.

BUD RAM is a pretty standard design for BUD RAM. nothing special

switch programmable ROM uses a central input (which would come from a decoder) and spreads outward. when a row of ROM is selected a torch forcing the output lines off is turned off, thereby enabling the switch position to determine the state of the output torch. useful for main program ROM applications where a non-destructive method of reprogramming would be useful.

Request status: 
Not approved


I've added dual read RAM to my arsenal of stuff over this area. Also am adding a computer to the area. not sure what the program will do just yet, but I'm adding it all the same.

By uberbroodling-1

The 8bit computer is finished now. The program multiplies 2 4bit numbers and displays the result on 7 segments. Copied a DD and 7 segment for the bcd conversion and display out of convenience, since the goal was to get the multiplication algorithm done right.

By uberbroodling-1