4 bit ICA CPU

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
ddthj: learner+
Creation location: 
ddthj's plot, only cpu on the plot
Machine Features: 

working 4 bit ICA CPU. The IS is terrible so I cannot run fib with the current IS, but it could if the IS was changed. has a nice UI with lots of ways to output to the user. can take a 4 bit input from user (clock will stop to wait for input). has a functional program counter with branching. The registers are single-read and a lot larger than they need to be (I have a vertically compact design for registers but on a different server, and these were the only ones I knew how to build by hand). supports 15 lines of prom but I only have 12ish in right now because I only have small programs written. The IS in this CPU was the predecessor of MCPU, which has a much more efficient IS (it is not on the server though)

How To Use: 

green panel of the UI has a button on it, you press to toggle on/off. lots of lights will flash after turning on :3. Currently programmed to count in binary, the output of which can be viewed on the blue panel. the only other thing I have for it is an addition program and a half-completed fib program which can be viewed on the green plates around the UI. Again the IS is horrible so don't bother reading it.

Request status: 