8 bit cpu ( explained )

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
tritri301 learner+
Creation location: 
/plot tp tritri301 or 1294,173,-354
Machine Features: 

The machine features an 8 bit ICA ALU that can do those basic functions : !A !B OR FC CIN A=B A>B A<B. the CPU has 15 rom lines with 24 functions on each. I curently have 4 byte of ram ( one intsaled on ROM because of time issue ) the input is in biinary and the output is also in binary but i could do a binary to bcd decoder ( I need to learn it before ) the clock is set to 16 ticks ( it can go faster but it has little display bugs ). i currently have a Program counter that could take conditional branching as im aware of and is capable of gotos ( jump ) the CPU is 8 bits

How To Use: 

To write a program you need to wirte it on ROM and then to read it, you need to start the clock wich is going to read le lines of rom and execute your commands. you can still use the UI to input into the ALU registers by hitting the WRITE TO REG button in the UI.

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