8 bits Calculator

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
FireCube : Learner(trial pending)
Creation location: 
861 160 -253
Machine Features: 

This calculator is an adder, a subtractor, and a multiplier all at once. It's a sequencial multiplier, that have loops of about 5 ticks. This give the all calculator a good speed for multiplication, of about 10 seconds maximum (5 * 0.1s * 15 = 7.5sec), counting the time to return the binary result. The two seven segment displays show output in hexadecimal, but takes a bit longer to load. The subtraction and addition takes less than a second too, without the displays time.

Please take note that the result is returned is hexadecimal (i precise it again because people seems to refuse to understand this)

How To Use: 

input number A and B in bits on the panel and choose wath operation to perform (add/sub/multiply). If multiplication, don't forget to launch the loop by pressing the button, or the result won't be right. Then, you just have to admire the displays getting the right number while it's calculating. For multiplication, a lamp will blink until it's finished.

Request status: 
Not approved


Hello, since I post that, my trial have been accepted, so my rank is now Learner+.

I also added a few new features. Now, all numbers are displayed, still in hexadecimal, but displayed, with the symbols.
Subtracting A - B with B bigger than A now returns negative numbers. Multiplication by 0 have also been fixed.

Also, now that I'm Learner+, I'll copy it to my plot, but i'll let this one at this place.

By Fire_Cube

Hey i talked with you allready about this, just show it to me ingame (again).
To List things:
- Multiplicator (with shifting)
- Decimal Input / Output (base converting would be nice, means no decoder).

By Ecconia