Space Invaders V2

JakaCraft's picture
Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Space Invaders
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
Jakaria - Learner
Creation location: 
733 75 -210
Machine Features: 

Shooting - AND gate, connected to shift register and pressure plate. Movement - Shift Register, connected to display and pressure plates.
A.I - Seperate Shift Register connected to clock and display

How To Use: 

Press the stop button to stop or reset the game, Press the start button to start the game.

Request status: 
Not approved


MeSoLost's picture

Reset needs a tweek, sometimes shots actually duplicate the enemies and the game is missing a critical dynamic - enemies do not shoot back at you.

By MeSoLost
JakaCraft's picture

I realize that they don't actually shoot at the player (not enough room), so to substitute that. I will be adding ammo so there is actually a way to lose

By JakaCraft

You are already Regular and this is not enough for Builder.

By Ecconia
JakaCraft's picture

This was before I had regular

By JakaCraft