Nim with unbeatable AI

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
Lotmom, RedsotneDragon(?)
Creation location: 
691, 86, -278
Machine Features: 

Unbeatable AI, proper reset

Simple ROM-based logic

uses T-flip flops, a bit shifter

How To Use: 

See the signs on the machine

Request status: 
Not approved


EpicMacha02's picture

What's your rank? And I think you mean, dragonofredstone, and I think he is senior

By EpicMacha02

My rank is learner ATM

By lotmom

Edit: DragonOfRedstone helped, not redstonedragon

By lotmom