
Dubastot's Resignation


Hello everyone, I've been with this server for just over a year now and have had quite the time. Prior to joining, I had built my first "calculator" which was a bunch of and gates that added bits. Since then, I've moved onto larger tasks such as Space Invaders and general Redstone logic, in addition to all that I've been doing lots of building work. You can see a handful of the videos on them here (and I'd appreciate it if you checked my channel out and subbed ;) ): http://www.youtube.com/user/TheUperDuper

Now that I've gained a lot of experience managing a server and learning CommandHelper as well as Java, I am ready to begin working on my own PvP survival server. With all of the time invested in that and getting an education, I'm no longer able to keep committed to my administrator responsibilities. Luckily, we're in the hands of Stym, the mods, and the other admins who I believe will do a great job in keeping this server an enjoyable experience for all. This does not mean I will disappear from the server like that (as I retain strong bonds with Stym and others), I'll continue to make periodic visits. The best way to keep up with me is by my Youtube channel.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in this post. Thank you for taking the time and reading this, I appreciate it!
~ Dubastot

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