Lost My rank

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Lost My rank

Some admin has deranked me for no reason. I want my rank back.

Flandyn's picture
Reason and decision.

You were told by the admin that you lost it because of a mistake in a reviewment, and that your skill level isn't as high as it should be.

I've read the chat, and had the story told by the admin this concerend and an other member. You stated that you hadn't built anything else then an encoder on the server before you got Regular. I interpreted the reviewment wrong. I interpreted that you made everything except the double dabble, which means the admin had all rights to correct my mistake.

I understand that it's frustrating when a staff does something wrong. So I will forget that you broke rule §2 and §7. All admins are equal, and all admins has recieved rights to do as they are pleased, sadly some admins does mistake like all people, but we're lucky that we have admins that tries to do their best.

I'm sorry that I didn't give you want you wanted to hear, but I'm sure you'll be Regular in no time by doing it the correct way.

Best regards