Application for TheSirGrain

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Because i would like to play with other redstoners , i haven't found any servers for redstoning that have been this good and with this much work put in it , it is also very nice that you can build while waiting for your application to be reviewed unlike other servers , and that you can visit other plots .
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Well my current limits right now are in doors : Flush with the wall 2x2 door , 2x2 door , 3x3 door with hole , trapdoors : 2x2 flush with the floor , 1x1 flush with the floor , logic gates : i know how to build mostly all of the logic gates and know how they work , I am not very good at compacting though , i might make builds super big while someone else can make the same build 100x times smaller
Past Redstone Experience: 
2x2 flush trapdoor : i have the pistons in the usual pattern , i power them all with redstone torches , and send power into them with 4 ticks repeaters , and to the main pistons power with a repetor on 1 tick , i have repetors inbetween to make the signal strength longer , 2x2 flush with the wall door : basically the same concept as the trapdoor
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
6-10 hours per day
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
I would like to build the following creations and try to compact them : 3x3 piston door with no hole in the middle , the most complicated 2x2 piston door out there , displays that display images , like nyan cat , or words , also traps , a lot of them , i play factions regularly and traps are very useful