Application for anto_04cubic

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I'm interested in joining the server to build amazing redstone contraptions with other people
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Redstone is used to power blocks such as pistons, sticky pistons, tnt, doors etc. Redstone dust works pretty much like electric cables would, infacts it's used to connect a power system (such as levers, buttons, pressure plates, tripwires etc.) to a powerable block. Redstone torches are used to invert the signal, infacts if they're not powered by anything they'll power powerable blocks, but if they are powered, they won't (the change of signal lasts 1 tick, just as repeater's and comparator's power update is). A repeater has the capacity to delay (max 4 ticks) the redstone signal and to refresh it at it's max power. The comparator instead is used to compare blocks (such as Chests, Hoppers, Droppers, Cauldrons ect.) to quantify their main property by emitting a redstone signal more or less intense.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I recently built a very fast and destructive Slimestone Missile. It is a missile with lots of TnT Minecarts on an activator rail, powered exactly when the missile touches a wall thanks to a pulling extension in the frontal part of the missile: when the missile has an impact with the wall the extension pushes the redstone block it's been carrying back, right next to the activator rail. So the TnT minecarts get powered and explode, neutralizing the wall and whatever around the missile. I also once built a city with lots of train stations. They work by switching rails' direction and powering the powered rail beneath the minecart by using a button, so the minecart goes to a direction, let's say left, to another station. So the minecart gets to the station by using a rail's property, instead of continuing on the main rails, and the next time someone wants to use it to go to another station only has to sit on the minecart and press the button.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
6-10 hours per week
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
I would like a lot to build redstone stations, just like the ones I built previously, elevators, secret passages and slimestone buildings