posted by LegendaryPvpGod
on Tue, 2018-01-23 21:00
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
So Ive been on this server for well over 3 years. I lost my other account so i made this one. Im interested in joining the server not cuz of the redstone part , but for the 20 hours ive been on here with this account, its the community that caught my attention. Everyone welcomes you with a warm hello, and its just the best, Im also here cuz id like to learn more about redstone and how to not make redstone contraptions but to develop new ideas that weren't previously envisioned. This server may be small and not well know but out of the Hundreds of servers ive played, it by far has one or the biggest community ive seen and thats awesome.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Current redstone. I see that there are two types of "redstoners" the first kind is the one that builds ALU's, CPU, or Computers and anything alonf those lines, Then there are those who like to solve a problem in minecraft using redstone. For example. I want my base hidden i need a flush with the wall 3x3 door on the side of the mountain. Now this person can either go into there redstone world and make it from scratch or look up a tutorial. Im the type of persons that spends 6 hours making one from scratch. Now that we got the 2 redstoners out of the way i like to think that im near in the middle. Im very good at solving problems like doors, traps, Clock towers and stuff like that. I also know how to make basic cpus and calculators. I cant make anything beyond that. Tho id like to learn.
Past Redstone Experience:
Redstone has always been a part of my Minecraft experience. Ever since Version 1.0. Its so fun to just play with it even if the thing ur making is useless or complete garbage. In the past ive made a (what i call it) The Cube Computer. It was my very first attempt at making any sort of logical redstone that actually interacts with u. It was a 50x50x50 cube and on the inside was a 16 bit cpu type thing, idk tbh but it could do - + / * ( ) and ^. For example on the north side of the face u can enter. (452-52)*4 and it output 1600. or u could do N^( a single digit) N being what ever 2 digit number u chose. The logic behind this wasnt really anything i know today, cuz back then i didnt know what not or and xor xnor and all the other gates were. this was whatever seemed right i did it.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
6-10 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Hello :>
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
Id like to make more and more Computer type builds. I'm planning to do an AI cuz thats just been the hot topic here where i live. But IDK how in the world I'm gonna do that. Also probs make some mini games and redstone riddle/puzzles for people on the server if they just need a break from Redstoning. Id also like to just build for the others. like if they need help and its more of a brute force type of job than more of i need to think about what I"m doing then ill gladly help others