Application for PokecrafterChamp

PokecrafterChamp's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I've searched for a near no restriction redstone server, since most servers restrict redstone access a lot, no pistons, no dispensers, I've even found one or two that ban repeaters. The few redstone servers that I have found have such high standards, they're almost impossible to get on. This one seems much more reasonable, and I think it'd be fun to share my (comparably simply) creations, as well as the challenge of working with server lag might help me improve my skill, and maybe I can learn something by seeing other people around me.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Currently it's nothing too spectacular, though plenty to confuse, prank, and sometimes annoy, my friends and family. A lot of what I know was self taught, though I've watched my fair share of tutorials, I'm the kind of person who, once I've built something once, I can usually piece it together again, even if it's not perfect. I enjoy fiddling with pistons, though I rarely use slime blocks for anything more than a quick bounce, either in an elevator type thing, or padding in a TNT trampoline.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Back when I played the minecraft demo, I remember copying redstone doors and other interesting systems from videos, as well as fumbling with command blocks to copy little sand pyramids, as well as making basic teleporters, and a vending machine. I learned a lot by just screwing around with things and seeing what happened.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
> 15 hours per week
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
I don't often plan with what I want to make, I just see something or think of something and I'm sit down and think 'how can I do that" or "how can I put that in my base". But I'll do my best to make cool, and interesting creations.