The Learner's area will be cleared on July 4th between 00:00 and 23:59 GMT. If you would like to show your creation to a mod/admin for a possible rankup, ask them before July 2nd.
As usual, it's possible to protect your build from being removed. To protect your build, perform the following steps ON OR AFTER June 27th:
1. Type "/protectbuild tool" to receive the tool in your actionbar.
2. Using the tool, select 2 opposit corners of a cubic region containing your build (this is identical to how WorldEdit selections work and even works with the client-side WorldEdit CUI mod).
3. Type "/protectbuild protectselectedarea". You will receive feedback about your selection being protected.
Rules for build protection:
- You are allowed to protect as many builds as you want to, but be so kind to not protect builds that you will never use again or builds that take you very little time to reproduce.
- Intended misuse will result in a (temporary) ban.
- Staff is allowed to deny your request to protect a build.
- Builds lost due to you forgetting to protect them will not be recovered.
If you are having trouble protecting your build, feel free to ask staff and other players for help. If you happen to run into a bug, you can send a personal message to me.