posted by Nyx
on Thu, 2018-06-28 02:34
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I've not much to say here. As a redstoner who has.... well, redstoned... for a good three years, I'm interested to meet new players and see new faces that I haven't seen before. Additionally, I would like to add onto my existing knowledge, perhaps even in the lane of 0-ticks as well as instantaneous redstone, as I am currently experimenting said mechanics in order to create new, larger doors. Additionally, learning logical circuits that I could integrate into my redstone would be an added bonus as well.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know a fair share of current redstone knowledge, but I do not know much logic. I know very basic logic, but not anything more than that. I mainly make doors, both in the fast and/or small category. Oh, I've also recently been messing around with instant redstone a fair bit as well. On the other servers that I have been on, I have learned how to manipulate piston behavior in varying ways in order to create 0 ticks, and thus creating faster, cleaner, and smaller doors. I have also learnt how to re-use circuits often, however I have yet to learn how to re-use fast circuits. I am used to creating non-typical concept doors in small form factors.
Past Redstone Experience:
This server seems to be very logic based- but oh well. I've made several 5x5s 5x10s, 5x15s, a couple 6x6s. Made a couple logical mazes. I hold a few records for some observer and observerless doors. I've also been on multiple other redstoning servers for varying amounts of time.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
6-10 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I like jello.
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
I would like to continue my trend of redstoning and build more doors. Hey, perhaps I might switch to logical redstoning soon enough, and this server might come in handy.