Redstone Elevator

Sparkinator48's picture
Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
Sparkinator48 - Learner
Creation location: 
X:574 Y:23 Z:-180
Machine Features: 

The machine is relatively small, containing 9 redstone dust, 6 sticky pistons, 2 redstone blocks, 2 redstone torches, 5 stone slabs, 2 observers, 2 buttons, 16 slime blocks, 47 obsidian, and 1 lime concrete block. This creation moves the player and the 4 stone slab floor
up 4 blocks. It doesn't seem like much, but could make going up a floor more quick or at least adding some fun into it.

How To Use: 

All you have to do is press the stone button to go up, then once up, you press the stone button above you to go back down.

Request status: 
Not approved


DrCrack's picture

The elevator wasn’t at the coordinates stated

By DrCrack