
Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
NBTExplorer: Regular
Creation location: 
598 81 -86 , /warp TicTacToeV2
Machine Features: 

This tic tac toe contains 3 by 3 redstone lamp panels, a win detection (blinking rows), and fast automatic switching system but not extremely fast. The win detection is represented by 3 layers behind the panel. The machine is also big because I added blinking win detection instead of a single 3 by 3 panel above the tic tac toe board.

How To Use: 

There is a 3 by 3 area of levers and those levers represent the tic tac toe board. Next to it there is a button and that is the reset button.

Request status: 
Not approved


First of all, TTT is a build to become Regular (from learner). You however are at this point in time already Regular.

-> Pros
Your TTT is built very neat and for my taste also compact. It also is quite fast which is really nice. Especially the blinking for the won line is really cool - I never saw that before.

-> Cons
However, it seems to lack "proper" spam protection and internal state....
You are using levers as input directed thru observers, this is kind of uncommon and confusing, but advantage of that is a very very high input frequency. However you cannot handle that speed, the turn detection allows one player to place 4 (and probably more) marks at the same time, just by leisurely pressing one lever after another.
Additional your whole TTT doesn't even care about the internal state. Basically you can let both players place their mark into the same field, which is a completely lacking spam protection.
And as last, you should block inputs, once a player has done, until reset, as extra comfort.

Nice ideas, neat and fast :)


By Ecconia