Combination lock

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
Narthin: Learner
Creation location: 
234 49 -234
Machine Features: 

It's a combo lock that can be reprogrammed when it's open. The twist is that all the input, programming, and comparison is performed with analog signal strengths. The major components are the analog memory cell that I've built in the past and recycled for this application.

How To Use: 

Make sure the "ready for first digit" light is on. If it isn't, then enter numbers until it turns on. Then enter the combination, as of right now it's 7083. To reprogram it hit the button that says "reprogram" then enter 4 digits. The passcode is set when the "reprogramming" light turns off. To close, hit the "close" button or enter a number.

Request status: 


Added a super-secret hacker button located at (226, 40, -238) which will force the lock into it's reprogramming state without needing the password. Note that the "ready for first digit" indicator must be on when this is activated for it to work properly.

By Narthin

For others it might be simple to understand it.
But well I need colorcoding. I added a colorcoded version right next to it.

By Ecconia