0.15s 3x3 vault piston door

Fattened's picture
Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
Fattened: Learner
Creation location: 
56 41 227
Machine Features: 

This 3x3 vault door closes instantly and opens in 0.15 seconds (3 redstone ticks). I used 0 ticks in this build, with the help of budding to distinguish 0ticks and make them in order. The 0 ticks are made with one sticky piston being powered normally and a regular piston next to it being budded, with the next sticky piston next to that being budded as well. The 3 pistons should make a line, and with a regular block on the first sticky piston and a redstone block on the last sticky piston, the regular block can block off the signal in a falling edge 0 tick. This is helpful if it is falling edge, as i can make 2 circuits (one closing and one opening) and make the door work.

How To Use: 

There should be a lever on the right side of the redstone contraption, if you flick it the door will open/close

Request status: 
Not approved


DrCrack's picture

Please build in the Learners Area next time if it’s for a promotion request; the Visitors Area gets reset regularly.

By DrCrack