posted by Hunters00gaugeYT
on Tue, 2019-12-24 17:38
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
because i love to make cool things but cant show anyone and because its awesome thinking that someone but time into making something and can actually show people without using youtube and i think this server has alot to offer because well i havent seen a single server that has redstone as there main idea
Current Redstone knowledge:
i know redstone because i just watch redstone youtubers and think i want to make that and try to build it by myself like how i made a working shop that gives out ricetes or how i made a 2x2 piston door then 3x3 and then after like a year i made a 5x5 and really i can be limited by when im on the server and making things compact like the one thing that i do the least is compact things down so prapare to see giant redstone messes
Past Redstone Experience:
when the 1.15 updates came out i used the honey blocks to create big doors (like 14x14) door using the fact that you can stack flying machines beside each other and when i built my 5x5 piston door there was a 3 wide piston door in the ceiling and floor mostof these creations work because of using the fact that a sticky piston can shoot out itsblock when given a one tick pulse
and the timings have to be perfectif a repeater s on 3 ticks insted of 4 that thing might not work and its kinda hard to eplain xor gates or gates and gates and so on and so forth
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
im still learning so if you want to see the youtubers (redstone) that i watch check out ilmango docm77 mumbo jumbo (my favourite) and others
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
lots of them
and other stuff like automated stuff or farms just whatever crazy idea that seems kinda maybe possible i will try to build