Application for Sharplenny

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Because I want to get better at redstone, and I joined this server to test something out. Then I saw these awesome redstone builds. So I think if I play on this server that I can learn a lot of new things, from the current players. Like if I get stuck and I cant find a solution on yt normally nobody can help me, but here I hope that people can help me then.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I can make some basic to bit difficult redstone builds, like piston doors, and sorting systems, transportation system, super smelter; And I recently build and designed (a bit) like a shulker atm machine. I can also make like bigger projects just with combining the smaller ones, I dont always know if this is the effiencints way, but it works most of the time. But I want to learn more about redstone and make bigger projects so thats why I want to join the server.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My best one so far is the shulker atm machine. It uses like a paper that you drop in a hopper as keycard. That paper goes to a sorting system to send a redstone pulse to the shulker box dispenser that is linked with the keycard sorter. The keycard will then traval back and will be dropped in your inventory. The shulker box goes than to the player and is dispensed. You can than take your stuff out or drop something in it and send it back in the system. It will go back to his own dropper to wait till you use it again. All shulker boxes are linked to a specific keycard, so you always get your own shulkerbox. I used a bit from Mumbos design and invented the transportation system my own (with basic dispenser water travel) So not so hard, but its one of my best redstone builds.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
Im open to anything, if I see like a cool project and I like it I will try to build it. I also want to try make like a google/Amazon transportation storage system.