The Machine can complete the FIB sequence, do addition, subtraction (although subtraction is turned off because FIB doesn't use it), and can save numbers in memory cells. it uses a basic adder that has carry and uses memory cells, the way it works is there is a section in ROM where you can program input a number into the ALU, or you can output from the registers. then the ALU displays it's output, you can save that into a register. and then from there it repeats that sequence.
3 dual read registers
ALU with addition/subtraction and inversion
4 bit program counter
decoder + ROM
at 760 234 -705 there is the output of the machine (the lamps) and on the left there is a lever and a button. The button resets the machine and the lever starts FIB, out the back the ROM (yellow lines) are where you program what you need, the torches you put near the gray area are for what number you want put into the machine, the lines going into the red are which memory cell you want to save the output to.
Temporary denied
Hi Hunters,
its actually not bad of a CPU. However it has some "flaws". The first one, after the code resets it spits garbage numbers. (Easy simple fix).
Topics I would like to see enhanced: ALU-Functionality (at least support sub). Branching (add zero flag).
And some other reasons, just ping me on discord, gonna tell you the details.