binary calculator with decimal input and output

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
Noobbykour12: Learner
Creation location: 
939 182 91
Machine Features: 

My creation can do adds, subs and multiplications between input a and input b. To add, I made a RCA 2 wide stackable adder. To sub, I use the adder, but inverting the input b doing the 2's complement (!b ; Cin). There is another 2's complement after the adder that calculates negative numbers (if in a sub the carry out is off (IMPLE(sub)), the machine, will do the 2's complement, putting a "-" in front of the number in the display). To multiplicate, there is another part of the machine, dedicated to multiplications. The machine calculates in binary, so I made a double dabble to convert binary --> BCD, doing a decoder to decode the output in the display

How To Use: 

put an input with the noteblocks in the input (the 10 is toggleable, so, fe, to put 14, u'll have to cick 10 and 4). After putting the input, select if set a or set b. After the inputs selection, just select the operation, and wait for the result in the display. After every calc, u have to reset.

Request status: 
Not approved


oops, I forgot to say that it's 4 bits input and 8 bits output(for multiplications)

By Noobbykour12

There is a set of issues with your interface.

When pressing the "set a" or "set b" buttons, they do not unset bits. Means you cannot overwrite slot a or b. You have to reset the calculator.
-> You should fix this, unset all bits and then set the new ones.

When setting a number (A or B), it is not obvious which number was just set. As in the user may confuse himself, if he doesn't keep track of which number he did set previously. There also is no display to show the current values (which is okay).
-> I would recommend you use a lever here which always points to A or B. That way the user can always see what he is currently editing. And all changes can be applied instantly.

There is no point in disabling the current operation (* + -), you can just keep them on.


The operations all work, which is good.


Things to improve (in future, don't keep using them):
- RCA, that's quite the slow adder, eventually you should switch to one with carry-optimization.
- Slow decoder, you used a decoder for the 7-Seg displays, which uses a repeater at every other output, that's wasted time. Switch to a faster decoder.
- You can build Double Dabble cells without an adder for the +3 part. You can just use a decoder that is like 3 ticks instead of MANY.
- Once you have WorldEdit, you should definitely layout the build much better. As in its currently very big and chunky and could be a dozen times better. But without WorldEdit its kind of a pain to fix this.


That is my opinion so far.

By Ecconia

There has been no changes to the build.

Create the PR again, once you fixed the points mentioned in my last message.

By Ecconia