CPU that calculates Fibonacci numbers V. 2

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
BusinessWither: Learner
Creation location: 
866 205 -112
Machine Features: 

The machine is a CPU that calculates Fibonacci numbers. Each tick, the CPU runs the commands in the ROM and decides which command to do next based off of the original command (usually just the next command, however there is a jump when there is a carry). The ALU has the capability to do every Boolean function, add, subtract, etc. Since the last build, I have added a program counter with branching and a control unit. I have added a display for the fibonacci numbers. If this CPU was any bigger, I would instead be using double dabble and binary coded digits to display the numbers. Instead, I have simply used a decoder and encoder to display each number. There are four RAM slots but only two are used by my program.

How To Use: 

Flick the clock lever (On the brown stuff). Watch the numbers appear on the display.

Request status: 