5x5 Cavedoor (Seamless) (WORLDS 2ND SMALLEST)

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
Nnarrex learner
Creation location: 
-157 64 -390
Machine Features: 

Disclaimer: the coordinates above are fake. The build I have is not on this server so I provided a bunch of screenshots

This machine features a lot of things. Such as it being the worlds 2nd smallest 5x5 cave piston door and has a very complex circuit to shave off all of the sides using entities and slider circuits. And has almost 3 triple piston extenders on the top. For the incredibly tiny size of the door it is much faster than you would expect. And it features a lot of 0 tick piston wiring for some pistons. (Nearly impossible for the size of the door)

How To Use: 

You will see from the screenshots that it is a cave door and it shows a very unique pattern of blocks. What's special about this one is that it is nearly a world record for smallest ever because of the sides. Normally the sides would be bigger but with complex circuits like slider double piston extenders it was possible. To use the door you just switch the lever on to close and lever off to open and it is relatively fast for its size to open.

Edit: I can't figure out to add multiple screenshots. Do you mind if we. could communicate the screenshots over discord?

Request status: 
Not approved


We can only approve players for creations that they made on Styms redstone server.
Feel free to rebuild your building there, for us to judge it.

By Ecconia