posted by R1baby1234YT
on Fri, 2023-05-19 16:36
Build image:
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!):
Builder name(s) and current ranks:
r1baby tinker
Creation location:
-2226 191 803
Machine Features:
Settable sequence lock
How To Use:
First hit reset to make sure nothing it saved before entering pin.
If pin is not set input new pin then wait for lamp to show that pin is set
then input code to see if correct.
to reset pin get code correct then press reset pin and input new pin
then hit reset to make sure that nothing is saved in the input.
There is also instructions on the build
Request status:
Not approved
Denied, for now
As this is a rankup to Regular, I had to look in detail on this building.
Check '/challenges regular 7' to see the requirements for a code lock.
Issues I found are:
I think you can improve the usage experience of your lock a bit more - and get rid of that weird rolling input bug.
Feel free to reply to this comment, or ask in Discord for further questions.