3x3 Flush Seamless

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
KOCMOC_No1: Learner+
Creation location: 
1994 131 -2224
Machine Features: 

It's a fast flush 3x3 with a nice animation. It takes 2.8 secs to close and 1.6 secs to open. Its volume is 1125b, and it uses no 0 ticks. The major component in this build are sliders. Sliders are basically normal pistons pushing each other in one direction while also pushing the blocks in front of all the pistons. Timings are also important in this build because timing the sliders and other pistons is harder than it looks. Thanks to L3_Gains for telling me to do this. :P

Also, if the plot it's in says guywithatrombone, just remember that's my old username. :)

How To Use: 

Flick the lever in the corner which opens/closes the door. :D

Request status: 


Sorry the opening is 1.8 secs.

By LordNussack69

Also 1200b

By LordNussack69

so people dont pull a funny on the door

By LordNussack69