8x7 D-Latch Pixel GPu with rear passthrough.

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
WhatsTaters6214: Tinker
Creation location: 
1972 179 -2656
Machine Features: 

2x2 Pixels, 8x7 screen size. screen fill for 1 and 0 pixels. this screen uses data latches instead of sr latches. a rear passtrhough was added incase i want to add a rom in the future for numbers and letters, ect.. X axis has 8 positions with the binary decoder sees as 0-7. the Y axis has 7 positions which the decoder sees as 0-6. the pixels can be set to a data of 1 or 0 thanks to the data latches.

wool color coding: blue is the pixels themselves, yellow are the data latches along with pixel data, green is the passthrough matrix decoder (purple is the passthrough), white is inputs, red is screen fill.

How To Use: 

writing a pixel to a data of 1 or 0.

1. select your pixel data (1 being down and 0 being up) using the lever on the yellow wool.

2. input your X coordinate using binary. this is the left colom of levers on the white wool blocks. binary 1 is bottom, 4 is top.

3. input your Y coordinate using binary. this is the right colom of levers on the white wool blocks. binary 1 is bottom, 4 is top. (note this only will accept up to binary 110 even though its 3 bit. this is because the screen is not 8x8.)

4. Push the wooden button located bellow the XY input pannel. this button is on a white wool block.

filling screen pixels to a data of 1 or 0.

1. select your pixel data (1 being down and 0 being up) using the lever on the yellow wool.

2. push the wooden button located on the red wool block.

Request status: 
Not approved


this is not a gpu. it is a fancy pixel display.
i am pretty sure it does what the challenge board wants

By WhatsTaters6214

I have submitted a superior build in a different pr. So this is no longer the pr I am counting on. You can can still review it if you want to. Please look at my Tic Tac Toe V2, pr. Thanks for reading.

By WhatsTaters6214

Plot was moved, updated the coords.

This machine would be very nice for a Trial rankup.
Complexity level wise it is on Tinkerer level. But build very cleanly.
But it would probably require a few more of these buildings for a Tinkerer rankup.

As you are already Tinkerer and also made another PR, this one is denied.

By Ecconia