Tic Tac Toe V2

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
WhatsTaters6214: Tinker
Creation location: 
1995 226 -2611
Machine Features: 

Tic Tac Toe V2 is here!
Features included:

Player 1 is "X" meaning "X" always starts.

Input is locked for a little after someone makes a move. (this is possible because the input keypad uses SS with a SS decoder so all thats needed is to kepp the input powered after a button is selected. the only down side is its not 0 tick spam proof because of the repeater)

When the "wait" lamp is on you cannot make a move. pressing reset while lamp is on will only make you wait longer nothing else.

Tie detect is working on this machine. A tie is found via a input counter, this works by counting the number of inputs that have been made, if all nine squars have been used up and win has been found it will mark the game as a tie. Because the win detect can sometimes take a few ticks longer to send a signal the tie detect is delayed so if its a tie but you dont see the lamp turn on just wait a few secconds longer.

Because of the tight space the turn swap was a problem but it was solved when some friends suggested to use sculk for wireless turn swapping and thats exactly what i did. Each display cell has a note block attached to it that triggers when the cell is activated, a calibrated sculk sensor picks that up and changes whoes turn it is. (the displaay cells are concrete because wool was interrupting the sound).

Thank you to whoever took the time to review this pr. If denyied please explain why, I would greatly appreciate it.

How To Use: 

Step 1. Reset if game has not been since last use. if no reset is required Player 1 "X" goes first.

Step 2. Once a player has one or a tie has happened please push reset as a courtesy to the next people playing.

Step 3. ignore if nothing goes wrong. If for what ever reason you experience a glitch wait for the "wait" lamp to turn off and select reset.

Request status: 


Nice TTT.

We found one case, where the win detection does not trigger.
Mike found a redstone dust that can be removed or so.

Once you fixed that, we can approve this PR :)

By Ecconia

Thanks for the suggestion, the problem was found and patched. Thanks for the feedback :)

By WhatsTaters6214