25x25 seamless, flush, expandable door

meowmoddafokka's picture
Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
meowmoddafokka Learner
Creation location: 
899 173 -435
Machine Features: 

Fully original flying machine door design, much faster and cleaner than any other of it's kind that i was able to find. The door in theory could be expanded infinitely sideways and upwards but it would become exponentially complex and laggy to perfectly sync all the flying machine engines.

The door at it's core is a 2 way flying machine built in such a way that all slime and honey blocks are completely hidden while open and closed, leaving a clean hallway to walk trough.

The door has a spam prevention integrated into it therefore the button can be spammed to one's heart's content and will never break.

The step timings have been tweaked for a fast and clean animation save for the wait time of the flying machines.

I don't really know what else to say it's just a big door, fairly simple flip flop logic for the button to keep track of open/closed state in order to make the design seamless without breaking the flying machines.

How To Use: 

teleport to the coordinates and press the button to open or close.

Request status: 


meowmoddafokka's picture

copy at 846, 205, -266
also another copy at 864, 173, -480

sorry about the inconvenience

By meowmoddafokka
meowmoddafokka's picture

I currently do not have the input placed on the build because I am too scared it will be broken before getting reviewed but the button goes on the log block, on the floor in front of the door, it should be impossible to miss.

By meowmoddafokka