
Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
Hunters00Gauge: Builder (+?)
Creation location: 
1467 146 -2389
Machine Features: 

I apologize for poor formatting, I failed english.

The Tetris (Instris) is able to generate a piece from a 7 resetting bag, shift pieces left, right and rotate. It has predictive collision detection for shifts and rotations.
The next 2 pieces are shown on the left hand column inbetween "next" and "hold". the high and current score are shown in the bottom left with accurate points given per line clear (no points for pieces placed and 1,3,5 and 8 points given for 1,2,3 and 4 lines cleared).
There is a absolutely massive ghost renderer is not sync and slower than the display but this is for one very good reason and that is because the ghost renderer cant be instant but the display lines are so it will always be behind, (ghost renderer needs 2 people to run and is currently broken from it not being completely loaded, I have a video of it running but that's all).
If it is possible you can swap your piece for the hold piece (under "hold"). if you have just held you cannot until your current piece is placed.
The tetris can save pieces to the display.
There is a queue which can store 5 player inputs but you wont need that because the instris boasts a speed of 14 ticks per entire clock cycle and 28 for rotation (the fastest tetris in minecraft).
If a player does not input for 16 clock cycles the tetris will go into fast fall, by default the player gets 3 moves between each time the piece moves down but in fast fall every clock it shifts downwards (this can be stopped by player input).
very bottom left is a flashing square, each flash is one entire clock and shows when the game is paused or running by aggressively flashing.

How To Use: 

at the coordinates there's a platform which has all the inputs,

Black: Reset
Green: toggle Clock
orange: Move Right
Cyan: Move Left
Purple: Rotate
Pink: Hold Piece

be careful with the ghost renderer and have fun!

Request status: 


forgot to mention but sometimes there are block drops within the machine, this is not an issue with the tetris this is actually because of minecraft running out of things it can do in a gametick and pushing it to the next tick which just breaks things. ive checked this in replaymod and seen completely impossible things just happen

By Hunters00gaugeYT

We disabled any form of work skipping in a tick. A tick takes as long as it will to process everything.
Sure that is laggier. But it should fully prevent any weird behavior.

By Ecconia