posted by CoolCat07
on Wed, 2023-11-22 18:36
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I would found players how are build very nice redstone like me.
I start build Redstone when i had seen it by TheJoCraft on Youtube.
I also want maybe a few players and make a big redstoneprojekt.
and i could learn more things from outhers. I would have fun with all and create new technics
Current Redstone knowledge:
I have learn many things from TheJoCraft. So binary coder and decoder, with this you can transfer more than one information over one redstone wire. I understand the logic of redstone and can use anywhere. I call me redstoner since 2-3 years and have 4 years minecraft expierence
Past Redstone Experience:
Maybe it was a very big shulker sorter. It was the last thing i have build. It is build with normal mincraft sorters but i have build anouther version for craftbook(it is a plugin). You can leave items from shulker and its refill or you klick a button to drop the shulker and it will place a new one who should refill. this sorter is stackable and it 1 block wide. in one section are two shulker with different sorters. This system is inspired of the shulkerbox sorter from craftattak castcrafter
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
Maybe I would like build big and crazy restonebuilds