posted by Xfran162
on Sat, 2024-01-20 03:47
Build image:

In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!):
Builder name(s) and current ranks:
lotnotxfran162, learner
Creation location:
331 37 -492
Machine Features:
It can perform signal strength addition and subtraction using the two lectern inputs and gives the output.
How To Use:
First, put in your two input numbers, then select the arithmetic operation and get the output at the back. It uses mainly comparators to calculate the output based on signal strength. It uses the logic of comparator subtraction and canceling to form the adder and subtracter functions. It also uses comparators to keep the redstone signal the same.
Request status:
Not approved
Nice Hex-ALU machine. But as a standalone building too simple for the next rank.
Here are some ideas how you can improve it:
- Add more than just one input for A/B.
- Somehow also include bit-wise or boolean Logic operations (they are the L in ALU).
- Make an indicator for negative result (this one is difficult though).
Keep up the good work, if you have more buildings of same or higher quality you will surely get the next rank in time :)