posted by AndrewLevel100
on Mon, 2024-01-22 20:53

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I'm from Italy, I speak well english, and I really love creativity and logic, I started programming in Batch when i was 9 and then when time passed i learned C, C++, html, css, PhP, sql, JavaScript, Python and vbs.
I started learning the Arduino at 10 when my parent gave it to me, I've had the Arduino mega and used it a lot through those years.
I'm graduating in electronic, and I've already have good grades, so when 7 years ago I discovered minecraft and redstone I've fallen in love with it!
So i want to join this server because I really love computional redstone and I really want to join a friendly and smart community to show my redstone capabilities!
Current Redstone knowledge:
In the moment I'm writing this form, my redstone experiences are more in the computional part than the slimeblock and farms part (I'm still pretty decent at those).
I've have the capabilities to build all the redstone logic gates, a simple decoder and encoder, a simple ROM, some latches, a monitor with 2x2 pixels, a keyboard, shift registers, binary counters and some other minor things.
Past Redstone Experience:
I've build on the "catcraft" server on a small plot a fully functional typewriter, when the 8-bit binary code was put on the keyboard, the corrisponding letter it displayed on the screen!
I've built fully functional computers and a cabled internet circuit that sent through skulk sensors 8 bit signals to other attached plots!
I've build a lot of those things, and I'm still learning!
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I'm italian so sorry for my english because i don't like to use google translate.
Btw, i would love to join your community to be even better on computional redstone!
Andrea A.
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
It passed years after my last creation, so I learned a lot about electronic (I've built a breadboard 8-bit Ben Eater inspired computer), so if you will accept me in the community, i will build computational circuits and some experments to make the most compact ROM for redstone logic!
(I was thinking to make a 3d printer too if I can do it).