Supports outputs with fractions down to the forth, maximum output of 15 3/4. It has inputs up to 255 total (hence the 8 bit system). Returns output in around 7 seconds. It mainly uses XNOR gates, and saves the output using a repeater lock, which is timed after clicking the get result button.
The coordinates lead to a blue platform. On the platform are 8 levers. Using the signs above, you can put an 8 bit value. Over the green wiring, there's a lamp with a button, that has a sign saying "Get result." Click that to get well, the result. After seven seconds, several blocks behind the button over the green wiring, there's yellow wiring, with eight lamps on it. That's the output. The signs on them show the output, from 1/4, to 8. For example, if you put in 16 as the input, and click the button, after waiting seven seconds, the output should show 4 lit up.
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