posted by AlbyMAC
on Fri, 2024-02-02 16:06
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
because my friends suggested me to join this server. they said it was very good. Surely i will try my best when im gonna start making redstone creations but im not a pro redstoner or a too advanced one, im just a guy that when got minecraft started making redstone and liked it, but i took multiple breaks from redstone and if i get more ideas i can get on the server and start building them.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Im not the best redstone engeneer or builder. i usually use a lot of observers im my creations , i do not use 0 tick, or any
too advanced method to build. im at the level where i can create some cool looking doors from hipster doors to 4x4, i took a break from redstone when i was trying to make a 5x5 door, i build hidden staircases and entrances, but i still am not very good at building, and my issue is that when i build something and i really cannot find a way to do it then i give up.
Past Redstone Experience:
i made many hidden entrances and and doors, vault doors and stuff like that.
made a 3x3x4 hidden staircase, 4x4 door (fast but nor the fastest), glass hipster door, made a 3 floor elevator, 4x4 vault door with glass in middle, flush 2x2 with glass "hidden door". i need this last text to take up to the minimum characters of the application box (i needed only 7).
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Im italian
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
i dunno, every kind of layout that comes intto my mind
Hello im Alby and im italian,
Hello im Alby and im italian, i used to do redstone but i took a break, i think im gonna try to come back.