posted by NarrowTurnip
on Sat, 2024-02-03 17:15
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I'm really interested in finding other players who are as knowledgeable or more so with redstone than me, and learning from them. All the servers I have previously joined have great communities but most people either aren't very advanced in redstone or only focus on building.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know how every component works to a degree that I have designed a villager selection system for a void trader (using rails linked to observer lines built with copper bulbs) and vending machines that can be modified for almost any vanilla item. I've done a few shulker loaders/unloaders and have made quite a few farms, mostly tileable, and all able to afk. However, I am really bad with memory-based builds and would really like to expand my knowledge on the subject.
Past Redstone Experience:
Ok so my most advanced build is probably a villager selection system that uses rails and minecarts in conjunction with observers and either noteblocks or copper bulbs to carry the signal. (I don't really know much about the proper names for the systems used, I'm almost completely self-taught so I don't know anything about coding or anything) Basically how it works is there is a minecart with a villager inside that's on top of an extended piston. When a button is pushed, it sends a signal to deactivate the piston while simultaneously setting a rail system to send it to a spot in front of the end gateway being used for void trading, via a system of rails and bubble elevators. When you finish, you press a button to send the minecart back. As the minecart comes close to its slot, a detector rail it goes over resets the rail system, ready for a new villager. I can rebuild it for an example if needed. Basically all the user needs to do for it is press one button to choose the villager and send it to trade, then press another button to send it back. I also made it able to send the villager to a zombification station instead of the trading station, just by flipping a lever.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
I want to learn about memory-based builds, get to understand logic and be able to build things related to that.