Application for Tickbeat

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I like redstone, and this is a community where everybody else likes redstone, too, and doesn't just joke around about how redstone hurts their brain. Here, I can talk about redstone to anyone on the server, and expect them to know what I'm talking about. And, we can bounce ideas off of each other. If I'm having trouble with a build, I can ask someone for help, and we can work something out. And if somebody asks for help on something, I might just be able to help them.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I consider myself to be an intermediate redstone engineer. I know how every singular component works, and all of their potential, and the common ways in which they are useful, and common contraptions that we use, and I have knowledge of not only computer science, but computer science applied into Minecraft redstone. I have myself designed many machines over the past 4.5 years of my time playing Minecraft, and can design my own circuits, though maybe not as skillfully as some other people I see online.
Past Redstone Experience: 
The ALURAM: An 8-bit carry cancel adder connected to 16 different 9-bit memory modules, for a total of 18 bytes of RAM. A decoder that allows you to select the address to any location in memory, or save location. A save button to save the adder's output into the specified location, and a load button to display what is saved in the specified location on the adder's display. A compare input to loop back a value stored in a specified location into the first input of the adder. And, finally, a lock input to lock the output in place and make it impossible to change it. Pulser: A circuit that I have recently completed about ten minutes ago as of writing this. Input a number, and the circuit will pulse its output the number of times that corresponds number you inputted. It needs some polishing, and I still am yet to make it vertical, and in some scenarios, the output pulses way too fast, and I had to make the output a piston because redstone lamps are too slow. It's still in beta, but in its final stages, and does technically work.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
God is #1
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
Computational. Simulations, arithmetic, programs, etc.