Application for AquaticGuineaPig

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I have always been interested in redstone, but never been able to properly use it. I have found this server and think it might be able to teach me how to learn it. I think it would be amazing to move on from simple designs to more complex and thrilling builds. The only redstone I have actually been able to build were from tutorials, so I would like to use this server to upgrade my knowledge of redstone.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I am currently able to use most commands, and construct a 3 by 3 piston door. I have also dabbled with things such as pop out staircases, but not much else. I know the use of most redstone components, except for calibrated sculk sensors and comparators. I can probably do simple redstone things like popout staircases and maybe flying machines with some help, but other than that, not much.
Past Redstone Experience: 
The last time I did a proper redstone build was a couple years ago, and that was the 3 by 3 piston door. I have not really messed around or done serious builds with redstone since, and even the door was from a tutorial, so I didnt truly understand it. I used to be really interested in how redstone worked, so i watched tutorials, but still wasnt able to understand it, so i stopped.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
I would like to learn how to do things like piston doors fluently, along with things like sorting systems, fun redstone contraptions and maybe dabble in things like computational redstone.