It can add, subtract, multiply numbers as long as the output and input are 8 bits or less, has a digit 1 by 1 decimal input and a big screen where you see your input and the output. Has a reset button.
You use the buttons 1 by1(not to fast please, wait until your input appears on screen). Numbers will first appear as the first digit and will then move up if a new digit is sent. With a lever you can select which number you are typing. Then select if you want to do subtraction, addition or multiplication and the calculator will calculate. Then use the reset button(please dont try to reset with pressing 0, 3 times , this causes the bcd to binary to malfunction). There is a lectern with the explanations written on the platform aswell.
Instructions are on the
Instructions are on the lectern
Input limiter
If you now input:
-a higher number then 255
-with the adder an answer of more then 255
-with multiplication a higher number then 15
A lamp on the control panel will turn on and the awnser wont show