posted by Maraluna
on Sat, 2025-01-25 07:49

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I've always been interested in logic gate programming, often using other sandbox games such as 'Barotrauma' for my creations. I'd like to expand my knowledge into minecraft which uses a far more complex system I have yet to learn. Whilst I have learned the basics of forming gates using redstone and torches and how to use said gates, I have no idea how to implement them within a creative setting such as piston doors, farms and other creative functions. I have seen videos of massive monoliths of redstone creations and want to make my own with the inspirations and teaching that can be found within this community and it's server.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I can currently form logic gates, redstone clocks and their associated uses, very simple piston implementation such as using them in redstone systems and simple doors, lighting systems, automated farms and hopper-reliant builds such as item transport, sorting and recognition. My biggest gap in my knowledge is in slime blocks and builds requiring them, as I have no experience with them.
Past Redstone Experience:
Unfortunately, I do not have too many redstone creations in minecraft as most of my experience comes from other games, although I have made and designed;
* A Catapult Lighting System (Decorative Only)
* An Item Sorting Machine
* An Item Reliant Door (Tutorial Used)
* An Automated Ore Refinery
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
I'd like to create the basic piston doors to gizmos and gimmicks that can be utilised in various means, such as casino machines, complex lighting systems to more complex builds such as self-reloading artillery guns, armaments and electrical sensors that can determine the strength, variety, number, or signal from a system. I am very ambitious.